Baseball and softball games have been cancelled due to the weather for Satruday, March 22nd.

School will dismiss at 2:00pm today.

High school boys and girls track practice have both been cancelled for today

The high school boys baseball game for today at 4:00 has been cancelled due to the weather.

Students got to enjoy Block Fest! All students got to participate during their PE time and we hosted a preschool parent night. Thank you all of those who attended.

The Mobile Markets will be at Polo Lifeline on Wednesday, March 12th.

A huge congratulations to our own IESA 1A Wrestling 6th place state finisher in the 275 bracket, Maddox Peterson!! He will be welcomed back to Polo with a police escort in approximately 40 minutes if you want to come out to show your support. They will be coming in on Pines Rd.

Here are the brackets for the Rt 72 Girls Basketball Tournament this Saturday and next Tuesday. 7th grade will play at Centennial Elementary School, 8th grade girls will play at Polo High School.

This is just a reminder that the School Improvement/Early Dismissal day is Friday, March 14th at 11:15 am.

A bus incident occurred today involving a vehicle not affiliated with Polo Community Unit School District. The Polo Fire Department responded to the scene due to its proximity to Polo.

Caleb Sutton has been selected as our February 2025 Student of the Month! High School Staff voted for him because he displays exemplary citizenship, leadership, and academic achievement! He has earned a $100 scholarship from the Polo School Foundation which is presented here by member, Alissa Zeigler. Caleb has answered a few questions about himself:
Parents: Jennifer Emmert, Chris Sutton
Siblings: Brayden Sutton
Favorite class: English Comp
Favorite teacher: Señora G.
School activities in which you participate:
Golf, Band, Drama Club, Varsity Club, FCCLA, Student Council, Game Club, and Spanish Club
What is something you learned in high school that you think you’ll never use?
Most of Music theory.
If you could create any new class at your school, what would it be?
A more advanced Psych and Sociology class
What does it take to be a successful high school student?
Paying attention in class, turning in work, and being kind to others.
Do you have a job?
Yes, I work at the subway in town.
How would you describe your group of friends?
I would describe my group of friends as smart and rambunctious at the same time.
What do you do in your free time?
I don’t have much free time for myself but when I do I just like to either relax at home or go out with family and golf sometimes.
What kind of music are you listening to?
I listen to all kinds of music but the kind I most like is rock music.
If you could go anywhere in the world for free, where would it be?
I would probably go to Scotland, where I could visit the history and all of the views that it has to offer.
What is your favorite childhood memory?
On Black Friday every year in elementary school, I would go to Indianapolis with my one aunt to visit my other aunt who lived there. While in Indy we would make it a tradition to always go to both the zoo and the children's museum.
What is the best way to cheer you up?
Tell me a joke or take me somewhere fun to get my mind off of whatever is bringing me down.
What is your life’s philosophy? Be kind to others even when they aren’t kind to you. Be the bigger person and don’t judge because you might not know what others are going through in their life.
What would you do if you received $1 billion all of a sudden?
I would take and Donate half of the billion to a charity of my choosing. Then take and put 25% into a savings account. After that I would invest just about 2.5% into the stock market to make a bit more money. Lastly I would take the rest of the money and pay off any college bills that I have, help my family out, and then invest more into my future with retirement.
● What class do you find really engaging and why?
The class that I find fully engaging is Band. In the class our teacher Derek McAnally teaches us how to become better musicians and how to play the rhythm correctly and how to practice on our own time making us better. I am surrounded by people in the band that I call my friends and I know we all have each others back when we need it.
● What are your career and post-graduation plans?
My post-graduation plans include attending the University of Louisville in Kentucky. There I plan on studying Social Work, where I can get my BSW (bachelors in social work) in 4 years and my MSSW (Masters in Science in Social Work) in another year.
● What are your two favorite extracurricular, volunteer or community activities you participate in?
My two favorite extracurricular activities are Golf, and Drama Club. I started playing golf my freshman year, and each year I have seen myself get better and it has taught me many things, for example; I have learned patience, better hand eye coordination, more teamwork skills, and has helped my mental health more. I have also been a part of the drama club since my freshman year, and it has also taught me a variety of things. Those being; leadership, how to memorize things better, and being a better person with people.
● Please share a moment, group event or activity at school that was meaningful or memorable.
I have been a part of many group events and activities but the thing that was most meaningful and memorable for me was playing in our school's pep band. Throughout all 4 years I had been playing in our school's pep band as our lead trumpet player for almost all of those years. This was memorable because it was an experience that gave me millions of memories from playing with my friends on the stage or in the stands at games or rehearsing in the band room with everyone and learning new music to play for the people every game.
● What is your hope for the future?
My hope for the future is after obtaining my masters degree to join a private practice and get my footing for a couple years building up a clientele and then after either going back to school for my doctorate or starting my own practice whichever comes first, but both are the ultimate goal for me.

Announcement for the 6GBB Game. Reminder that the 6th GBB game vs Meridian is starting at 3pm at Centennial today. The only entrance for the game tonight will be the outside gym door, door #2. Additionally, restrooms will not be available until school has been dismissed and kids have exited the building, around 3:20.
Live Stream Link for 7/8...

Congratulations to our two wrestlers who have qualified for the state tournament!! Maddox Busker at 167 and Maddox Peterson at 275. Good luck next weekend!!

The 7/8GBB game on Monday at Meridian will be a 3pm start time for 7th grade with 8th grade to follow. Bus time is 2pm.
6th GBB will have a 3pm start time against Meridian at Centennial.

PCHS Dinner Theater is right around the corner. Please make your reservations today. Tickets will not be available at the door. The show" Snow White and the Seven Endings" will begin at 6:00 pm tomorrow, Saturday, March 1st @6:00 PM. for $15.00 per person at the Polo High School. Dinner includes: Braised chicken, roasted chicken, potato wedges, mac and cheese, green beans, assorted salads, and assorted fruit pies. Tickets can be purchased in the Polo High School office. 815-946-3314

Hello! If your Jr. High student is interested in joining track, please email ajones@poloschools.net with the following info:
Student Name
Parent Phone Number
Parent Email
Last day to register is March 12th. Practice starts March 17th.
Thank you!

Congratulations to our place winners in the Rt 72 Wrestling Conference Tournament last night!! Gabe Morris, Ryder Faivre, Maddox Busker, Matthew Bonnell, and Konner Patton all placed within the top 3 of their weight class.

JH GBB vs Pecatonica on Wednesday, February 26th will be an 8th grade game only starting at 4pm. 7th grade will receive a forfeit.

CPO Dinner Night Out Tomorrow - Wednesday, February 26, 2025
At The Lamplight - 124 East Mason, Downtown Polo
3:00pm - 7:00pm
A portion of all sales will be donated back to Centennial Parents Organization!

" Snow White and the Seven Endings"
The Drama Club will be having their dinner theater this Saturday, March 1st @6:00 PM. for
$15.00 per person at the Polo High School. Dinner includes: Braised chicken, roasted chicken, potato wedges, mac and cheese, green beans, assorted salads, and assorted fruit pies. Tickets can be purchased in the Polo High School office. 815-946-3314